

Man with brown curly hair and red glasses against a blue background

Zalman Raffael, affectionately known as Zali, was born in New York City. He began his ballet training at the age of 8 at the School of American Ballet, under the mentorship of Olga Kostritzky. During his formative years, Zali thrived artistically, performing with both New York City Ballet and American Ballet Theatre. At just 13, he showcased his budding talent for choreography by creating a piece for the School of American Ballet's choreographic workshop.

While at the school, Zali was exposed to various facets of arts administration, including fundraising and marketing; knowledge that would later aid him in his career. Upon graduating, he joined Carolina Ballet as a member of the corps de ballet. During his six years dancing with the company, Zali took on additional responsibilities beyond his dancing role. Under the guidance of Carolina Ballet’s founding Artistic Director, Robert Weiss, he became the sole children's ballet master, led fundraising efforts, and staged established works while creating original choreography. Guidance from Olga Kostritzky, Melissa Podcasy and Robert Weiss in the studio further refined Zali’s attention to detail and nuance in both ballet technique and performance.

Since becoming Carolina Ballet’s Artistic Director and CEO, Zali has propelled the company to new heights with his visionary leadership. In 2019, he established the School of Carolina Ballet, expanding the company’s reach and influence. Zali also facilitated the move to Carolina Ballet’s new state-of-the-art facility, providing the essential infrastructure for the growing company. His commitment to accessibility is evident through initiatives like the foster children’s dance program and reduced ticket pricing for essential workers, ensuring that ballet is open to all in the Triangle community. Under his direction, Carolina Ballet has embraced an increasingly diverse repertoire, featuring both beloved classics and innovative works created by himself and numerous esteemed guest choreographers.

Artistic Director/CEO